
Type: File deletion

User: 0nee_sama

Board: u

Time: 09/06/2024 (Fri) 17:26:00

User 0nee_sama deleted the files of the following posts: 1918/2757, 2067/2757, 158/2757, 20/2757, 422/2757, 2318/2757, 10/2757, 451/2757, 2373/2757, 2721/2757, 184/2757, 2422/2757, 755/2757, 2591/2757, 2660/2757, 2465/2757, 194/2757, 2744/2757, 1775/2757, 1634/2757, 2756/2757, 95/2757 from board /u/.

Type: Posting deletion

User: 0nee_sama

Board: u

Time: 09/06/2024 (Fri) 17:36:31

User 0nee_sama deleted the following posts: 1855/2735 from board /u/.